Cribbs Causeway to open on October 19th

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After a short delay, we have now received confirmation of our registration from Ofsted, giving us the go-ahead to open our new Cribbs Causeway nursery next Monday, October 19th.

We have a selection of open days planned over the next two weeks, allowing parents to tour the setting and see the fantastic facilities available. All tours are by appointment only, so if you haven’t yet booked a tour, then you will need to do so here. Update 26/10/2020: New tour dates available for November.

We’ll have more information coming, but for now we hope that all the families waiting to start at Cribbs Causeway are excited for their children to begin! If you would like to register your child, you can complete a registration form and Trudy, the Nursery Manager, will get back to you to confirm when it is you’d be able to start.

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Going for the win!


Updates to our COVID-19 procedures