Success at the Snapdragons Quiz!
The Snapdragons Quiz returned on Saturday night, starting its tour at Snapdragons Corsham, where 30 parents took part in six rounds of questions.
Starting with a delicious chilli con carne, the action swiftly begun, as everyone prepared to get stuck in. What followed was a selection of fun and engaging questions, designed to let everyone play a part. We're not fans of quizzes that only test the encyclopaedia buffs. Or quizzes that make you feel like you know nothing. Because they're not really that fun.
So we set out to create a quiz that doesn't ask you to study, or even to know that much - most of the answers are there for you on the night if you look hard enough. Plus they require to discuss and think about it with your team. Which is what the evening should be about - teamwork and conversation, where no one is left out for not knowing the subject.
And, judging by some of the feedback we've received, we've managed just that!
We've got two more quizzes lined up, one at Weston on April 29th and then at Horfield on May 13th. So don't hesitate - head to the booking page and grab your tickets now! £5.00 a head for dinner and a fun quizzy evening is an absolute steal!
Winning team 'Quizzy McQuiz-Face' rejoice.
Quiz Nights for 2017
This year we're bringing back our Quiz Nights, last seen in 2012, after parents across Snapdragons showed interest in our survey last year.
We've got three great events lined up, in all three counties we're based in, so you should all get the opportunity to enjoy one of them. And they're at a great price too, just £5 per person, including your dinner for the evening! It will be 'bring your own' night, so please bring drink with you.
If you'd like to attend one of the events, then all you need to do is apply below. You can book your tickets and then we'll just add the amount to your child's invoice nearer the time. Friends of Snapdragons families can attend too, just have them add your child's name on their booking form.
Our three quizzes are as follows:
Corsham - Saturday March 11th
Weston - Saturday April 29th
Horfield - Saturday May 13th
We're also looking for people to take part in our survey for one of the quiz rounds, so please have a go at answering the questions below and share it with your friend too, so we can get as many responses as possible!